About Us
The mission of the New Macedonia Church is to “go ye therefore.” We are dedicated to fulfilling God’s commandments through teaching, singing, and reaching the community, and the world at large. As the Holy Ghost is progressive, New Macedonia MBC will be in alignment in reaching souls for kingdom building.
15And he said unto them, go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.He that believeth
and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.
-Mark 16: 15-16
The vision of this ministry was given to the founder in the days of his youth. However, while
attending Slidell Baptist seminary school, the Lord spoke clearly to begin a ministry that will reach the
“prodigal sons and daughters” (Luke 15:11-32). In June of 2019, the name of New Macedonia
Missionary Baptist Church was given to the founding leader (Acts 16:9-10). However, it wasn't until January of 2021 when the
Lord clearly spoke to start the ministry - even in the COVID-19 pandemic. The church was incorporated in April of 2021.
The ministry’s purpose is to hold on to the sanctification values as in scripture. In addition, the vision of New Macedonia Is to
uphold the truth which is the Holy Bible. New Macedonia is a church that practices the fruits of the
spirit, (Gal: 5:22-23) as well as the filling of the Holy ghost - for one cannot have power without the
outpouring of the Holy Ghost. New Macedonia acknowledges that you must confess the Lord God as
your savior there by one can be saved. New Macedonia believes that there certainly is a lifestyle that
must be lived - Holiness is right, purity is right, discipline is also right. Contrary to popular belief
Holiness is NOT a denomination, but a lifestyle. New Macedonia strives to upholds that standard.
The Apostle Paul’s vision brought him to Macedonia where he introduced Christ to Europe. Macedonia was filled with those who needed help. Those who didn’t know Christ, which Paul introduced to them.
Not only will this ministry be a place where church hurt is healed, but a place where those who never knew Christ will find him at New Macedonia.